The water puddle method allows technicians to identify and locate potential leaks, faults or tears in a geomembrane occurring during installation. It applies a...
READ MORELike the water puddle method, the dipole method (standardized by ASTM standard D7007) is a geoelectrical technique that allows...
READ MOREWhilst the water puddle and dipole methods use geoelectrical techniques to identify faults in standard geomembranes, the spark test method allows...
READ MOREProject sizes ranging from 20 m² to 253,000 m², totaling 1,409,500 m 2
Average of 6 leaks/hectare on HDPE, PVC and bituminous geomembranes
11 out of these 58 projects had more than 20 leaks/hectare
Out of the 27 projects that had constant third-party CQA on-site, 25 had leaks
Project sizes ranging from 100 m² to 284,900 m², totaling 1,863,500 m²
Average of 4.4 leaks/hectare on HDPE and PVC geomembranes
6 out of these 75 projects had more than 20 leaks/hectare
Out of the 37 projects that had constant third-party CQA on-site, 18 had leaks
More than a third of our dipole projects had at least one large leak (>50 cm²)
The most leaks found on a single project was 203 leaks with the water puddle method and 396 leaks with the dipole method.
Leaks as small as 6 mm² and as large as 12 m X 20 m were located and excavated in evaporation ponds in Chile
In 2014, only 21.41% of all geomembrane installed in the province of Quebec was tested using ELL methods, on which 105 leaks were found
November 12, 2021
With the dipole method, we survey on a multitude of different natural materials. Usually, we walk on gravel or sand, but sometimes it’s clay or dirt, and I have even...
October 8, 2020
Leak location is frequently used on permanent caps to prevent rainwater infiltration, ensuring that confined materials are allowed to dry out, to prevent biogas leaks and to verify the performance of collection systems.
October 1, 2020
September 24, 2020
September 17, 2020
Avril 1, 2020
5570 Casgrain St (bur 101)
Montreal, Quebec, H2T 1X9
Monday to Friday
+1 514 543 6580