About Us
Leak Location Alphard is the leak location division of the
engineering company
Group Alphard.
Mr. Carl Charpentier is widely recognized as an international
expert in electrical leak location. He has written numerous
papers on leak location techniques and has presented at
industry events across the globe. He is a member of the ASTM’s
Committee D35 on Geosynthetics, the governing body responsible
for the revision and standardisation of geomembrane
technologies and leak location techniques. The schematics used
in the ASTM norms were drawn by Mr. Charpentier, allowing for
new technicians to easily understand the differences between
standardised leak location techniques.
Mr. Charpentier’s started his leak location career 2001 as a
technician, applying his university background in electronics
to the development and maintenance of leak location equipment.
He was soon asked to perform electrical leak location surveys
to test new devices that he had developed himself, and he has
continued innovating and improving on these devices every year
for the last 20 years.
A key aspect of Mr. Charpentier’s expertise is his experience
of a leak location in a wide variety of contexts. He has
delivered leak location projects on Chilean heap leach pads in
over 45 °C and on mining Caps in northern Canada in - 40°C, as
well as various projects in the oil and gas, mining, waste
disposal and water management sectors.